Singing is part of our bedtime routine with Michael, but he gets so excited when I sing to him that it's almost not productive because he thinks it's playtime when I do. Jonathan and I limit it to one or two songs and then continue with the routine of nursing him and such. I've been sick since Monday and Michael finally followed suit yesterday. He had a runny nose and a cough and seemed warm, but every time I took his temperature he didn't have a fever. (To make things worse he's been having tummy aches because he's constipated...) At four in the morning he wasn't doing too well and we took his temperature again and it was 100.0 degrees (which I found out today isn't technically considered a "fever" for him...) He was having trouble breathing because he was so plugged up and was coughing constantly. I held him upright and starting singing to him and he immediately put his head down on my shoulder and whimpered his way back to sleep in my arms. It's unfortunate that my dream of singing my child to sleep had to come about that way, but at least I now know that Michael does find my singing comforting...
Here's a picture of poor Michael from this morning...
The rest of the day Michael did really well and besides the huge bags under his eyes, his runny nose with snot that flies all over me when he sneezes, and his occasional cough...he seems to be getting back to his old happy self. I was even finally able to get his "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" on video...
Right now saying "ma-ma-ma" is his way of talking. He sometimes grunts or squeaks too...but ma-ma-ma is used most often. Hopefully someday soon that mama will refer to me :)
Anyway...I better end this. We're praying Michael continues to get better and that he will sleep through the night tonight...I don't know how much longer my body will endure this lack of sleep while I'm sick!
Anyway...I better end this. We're praying Michael continues to get better and that he will sleep through the night tonight...I don't know how much longer my body will endure this lack of sleep while I'm sick!