Saturday, July 25, 2009

Michael Talks Back

Every single day Michael is becoming more and more responsive to us when we talk to him. He's the most pleasant and "talkative" around 6:30 in the morning on the changing table. I've tried getting several videos of this cuteness and I actually got a good one this morning, but I got an even better one once I brought him back into our bedroom...

Sorry the video is sideways...I couldn't figure out how to rotate it...


vinestreet said...

Oh my goodness. He is....delicioso. :) So cute. I can't wait to see him, hold him, hug him, etc. Thanks for updating the blog! I've been waiting!!

Grace said...

That was so precious!!! Diana and I watched it three times!!


Kristina said...

just 3 times?

Diana Aiko Harris said...

HA HA! I just watched it again and again!! Very cute! I miss seeing him!