Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buzzing Heads for Mom

Jonathan and Michael decided to join in supporting my mom with buzzing her head today.   



Of course after Jonathan cut his hair we found out that mom decided to hold off on the buzzing action for a little while longer.  However, even though she didn't go through with it today Steven and my dad did, so we went ahead and did Michael since we were planning on it anyway.  I must say they are pretty cute bald...


vinestreet said...

Yes, very nice. Way to go Michael!

Diana Aiko Harris said...

Wow! Michael has red hair!!! You guys look good! :)

Tracy, Wendy, & Claire said...

So cute!! You got a couple of great boys there!

Grace said...

Toooo the look of Miohael's BIG smile at his daddy! Thanks for the support guys!!! I love you all!

Steven was a big hit at school with the girls!

Love Crazy Lady Gramma

Grace said...

Can't spell Michael..what's the matter with this typewriter!


Renae said...

What cute boys you have, Kristina!